
Wednesday, August 20, 2014

How to Get Rid of Ticks and Fleas on Dogs - the Most Effective Way Based on Personal Experience

My Jumbo (name of my shih tzu) was infested with ticks and fleas. I bought him different anti-tick shampoo, soap, and powder but none of them worked. I also tried the apple cider vinegar recipe to no avail. My dad even tried to bathe him using shampoo for chicken. Yes, you read it right, shampoo for chicken! He was advised to do so by a fellow senior citizen. However, none of them were effective. I felt really bad for my dog. We painstakingly removed all the ticks almost everyday. It was so frustrating because they just kept multiplying. They were like a multitude of minions! 
Fortunately, my dad was able to talk to a dog-breeder while he was walking Jumbo in the village. He was advised to try Detick. We immediately went to a pet store to buy it. It was out of stock. However, a high end brand was available. It was called Frontline Plus and it cost 350 PhP. It was affordable but Detick was way cheaper. I couldn't wait any longer to remedy Jumbo's problem so I bought Frontline instead.

Once we got home, I bathed Jumbo immediately and thoroughly removed all the ticks we could find. My dad applied the Frontline medicine on his nape.

The following day, I went to check his coat expecting the worst. Lo and behold! I only found 3 ticks! I was super happy and felt like celebrating! That afternoon, I went to the grocery and bought him two kinds of biscuits.

I just recently researched about Frontline in the internet and  realized that we did not follow the proper way of applying the medicine. According to a veterinarian, we should apply the medicine 48 hours after his bath. It works by getting into the oil glands and spreading over the body through a natural process. It must be applied on dry skin. I'll make sure to follow the proper procedure next time so that we can optimize its potential. This is how it looks. It didn't come in a package probably because we only bought one piece.
 This is the link to Frontline's website for your easy reference: Click me.

I'm so happy that Jumbo is free from ticks and fleas now. I can cuddle him again and let him loose inside the house. Thanks to the advice of that man. Whoever you are sir, cheers to you!

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